Friday, September 26, 2014

Have I waited long enough?


No this is not my fashion, beauty, or lifestyle blog. No I don't think I'm going to post too many of my creative projects or random DIY projects (maybe). This is my daily life minus the glamour...not that I have some glamorous life. I don't. In fact, life has been pretty hard lately. That is another story.

The point is this. I hate procrastinating. I do at times, but I hate it regardless. Having something hang over your head and pick at you until its finally finished. With that being said I have had something I've wanted to do for the past six or more years. I wrote a novel. Yes a novel. I wrote it, printed it, put it in a binder, then tucked it away. It has been sitting on my shelf for years collecting dust. I glance at the binder cover from time to time and think "maybe now", but push the thought away and continue with my life.

So why wait? I haven't been able to figure that out. Am I scared of what the world will think? Am I scared of failure? Do I really want to know the outcome? The answer to all of those is probably yes. After all these years I do still worry about what will come of my book or if I'm actually "good enough" to get published. I will never know until I try.

I have worked on some editing and a storm of new ideas came to me. With all the new ideas I decided to write then write some more. I'm not sure how great the first book is. I've been told by those who have had a peek inside that it was good. They said they were hooked after the first chapter. That's a good thing right? So yes, I will be sending it in after I finish with a few revisions. In the meantime I will be continuing with my newest novel adventure.

I was scrolling through the internet earlier today and came across this quote. It really struck a nerve with me and related to my last post. When I wrote that a few days ago my novel wasn't really on my mind. At that point I was mostly talking about new business ventures and what was to come. There is no reason why I can't add finishing another novel to my list of things to do.
I like this quote. It definitely hit home with something I was writing about yesterday.
For now I plan to spend a few hours everyday getting the words on paper. I will worry about the rest once the idea is finished. I'm excited to start my writing journey in addition to everything else I have planned. Its time to get started!

Brandi J.

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